
Here I am

Sorry I haven't introduce myself and the city I am living. 
I am Sala a Melbourne based Kimono Stylist 
Maybe, Some people have already known about me in Instrgam or Facebook. 

But I really wanna do introduce about my life in Melbourne and of course about kimono more.
That is the reason why I decide to start this blog.

 I know my English is not in "excellent" level. However,I assume that there are thousand of kimono fans around the world but information about kimono for them are very limited. I wish I gonna be your  "Ms. Kimono helper"


まだ私の英語力もお世辞にも素晴らしいとは言いかねるレベルですが、世界できものライフを楽しんでいる方達にちょっとでもお役に立てればな、 と思っております。

Well, this is my based city" Melbourne"  I have been in Australia for more than ten years but haven't been almost anywhere else. Maybe because this city is too comfortable for me, I don't feel like going anywhere else much...
ここが私の今のベースとなる街、 メルボルン。 10年以上オーストラリアにいるけど他の都市に殆ど行ったことない。もしかしたらメルボルンが心地良すぎてどこにも行く気が起こらないのかも。

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