
Sometime I don't feel like wearing kimono from my home to work. When the time like that, jut put on a jacket onto my normal western garments then chuck a kimono, a Hanhaba Obi and two Koshihimo ties into my bag. When i get to work,take my jacket off and get changed . I don't have to worry about changing at public space where everyone is watching because I am wearing a shirt and pants. Just need two minutes, easy! 仕事に行く時着物着て行きたくない時の場合、右の様な普段の洋服で着物と半幅帯、腰紐をバックに放り込んで出発。 仕事場に着いたらジャンパーだけ脱いでその上から着物来て帯締めれば仕事モード完成。人が見てても中に普通の服来てるから全然オッケー!慣れれば2.3分でできるよ!

via Instagram http://ift.tt/1UDKt7D

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