
1つの紬からスカート、パンツ、ターバン作りました。 ほとんど余すところなく生地を使えるのは着物の作りがとても直線的でシンプルだから。この着物の裁ち方の無駄を出さずに他のものに作り替えやすいというフォロソフィーも大好きです。 Japanese Kimono has very unique production methods. They are made from one cloth approximately 12m long x 35cm wide . Cut each part from the cloth with straight line it has no waste . When the kimonos are damaged , unpick the seam and remake some small kimonos or other garments then they are remake and remake again until they became small goods such as kitchen cloth or something. Because each pieces are cut straight, it’s so easy to re-transformed to something else. We value any small parts of kimono fabric. That’s the wisdom of kimono . I love the phirosophy. I try to keep the method as much as I can even when I make my western garments from Kimonos. I make one pare of pants , skirt and a turban from one Tsumugi kimono , There was no waste from the fabric. It made me really proud of myself to transform from unworn kimono to very useful western garments .

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